Monday, 16 January 2017

Vaccination Schedule For Layers

*** Vaccination Schedule For Layers ***

Certain diseases are too widespread or difficult to eradicate and require a routine vaccination program. In general, all flocks should be vaccinated against Marek's Disease, Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis, Infectious Bursal Disases (IBD; Gumboro) and Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE). The exact vaccination schedule depends upon many things such as disease exposures expected, maternal immunities, vaccine types available and routes of administration preferred. Therefore, no one program can be recommended for all locations and situations. Consult with local veterinarians to determine the best vaccination program for your area. Following is a basic program where breeders received an inactivated Newcastle-Bronchitis-IBD vaccine

Here we list two different but similar vaccination schedules (Typical and Common)...

Typical Vaccination Schedule For Layers

Common Vaccination Schedule For Layers

Is It Worth Vaccinating My Flock?
If you've bought your chickens from a farm or reputable poultry breeder then your chickens should be vaccinated already, a poultry breeder should have carried out vaccines for the "common" poultry diseases as listed above, however a farm's chickens will follow the "typical" schedule. If your chickens are un-vaccinated and you only have a few then it would not or may not be feasible (cost effective) to vaccinate them and they should have built up a natural immunity to the most "common" poultry diseases, however they would be considered as "at risk". Here we include a LINK that looks at the arguments from both sides of the spectrum - to vaccinate or to not vaccinate.

Where Can I Find More Information About Vaccines?
There is lots of information on the internet, some good and some equally bad. We recommend that you visit a well established breeder/supplier such as "Hyline" for more information.

Links To Information and Advice
We have listed two different websites below so you can get two difference of opinion and then make an informed decision of the many time argued question, should I or should I not vaccinated my chickens???

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